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Collective Worship

What is Collective Worship? 

At St Francis, Collective Worship is a highly valued part of the school day as it is the time when we gather together to reflect, pray and celebrate our shared values, faith and achievements. It provides the opportunity to explore and reflect upon our Christian vision and our High Five Values that underpin it.  During this time, demonstrating our Anglican tradition, we hear Bible stories, sing songs, learn about others showing Christian values in the world and pray. Our Collective Worship is inclusive, invitational and inspirational, providing opportunities for pupils and staff to engage meaningfully, reflect deeply and be inspired to live our values in our school and wider community.  


What does Collective Worship look like in our school?  

In our school, Collective Worship underpins our school vision and high five values. Each half-term we focus upon a specific Christian value, which is underpinned by an acrostic poem, a biblical quote and a Bible story. This is then enriched using: 

  • Additional biblical stories exploring the value 

  • Quotes and questions to encourage deeper thinking about each value 

  • Giants of faith: real people who have used the value to make a difference in the world 

Our worship timetable follows the pattern below: 



Leader of Collective Worship  



Whole School Collective Worship   


Exploration of School Vision and Values   


Whole School Collective Worship  


Exploration of School Vision and Values  


Whole School Choral Worship   

Mrs Vaughan   

Miss Barbour   

Songs of praise   


Class Worship  

House Captains  

Sharing of biblical stories and chances to reflect   


Whole School Collective Worship  


Celebration of gifts and talents   


In addition to this, a number of services and festivals are celebrated in St Francis Church, including: 

  • Harvest Festival 
  • Nativity Service 
  • Easter Service 
  • Leavers Service 
  • Music evenings and Eucharist services are also held in church.  

Our Ethos Committee play an integral part in our Collective Worship and take a leading role in the additional services that take place throughout the school year.