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Our Anti-bullying Programme


We will use various methods for helping children to prevent bullying.

This will include:

  • Have a listening and caring ethos
  • Encourage discussion and not make premature assumptions
  • Adopt a problem solving approach
  • The staff are made aware of the anti-bullying policy by Senior Leadership Team and has access to where the policy is kept.
  • Explore issues through the curriculum by PSHE, assemblies and Anti-bullying week and initiatives.
  • Provide information through notice boards, posters, Child line and the school website.
  • Provide support through playground buddies, friendship group and peer support.
  • The anti-bullying policy works alongside the behaviour policy. This is discussed with the children in class so they are informed of the procedures
  • Where cyberbullying is concerned, educating and engaging parents on the principles of online safety so they know the dangers of what unsupervised internet access can create.
  • Encourage parents to check what their children are doing online and using parental controls on their computer so that they are comfortable that children are not wandering into dangerous territory.


Working alongside our Jigsaw scheme, we are also taking part in a research project in partnership with the University of Warwick, by taking on the KiVA anti-bullying scheme of work in Years 3-6.  You can see from the videos below, some examples of the lesson resources we use.  The scheme aims to teach children to correctly identify bullying behaviours, and to empower them to know how to support their peers in stopping it, and preventing it from happening again.

KiVa Anti-bullying Wales

Supporting Organisations and Guidance

Racism and Hate