Miss Hurved is always happy to talk to parents/carers, but due to her daily teaching commitments, may not always be instantly available. If you need to get in touch, please try one of the following:
Miss Hurved also holds a drop in session on the first Monday of every month, following on from a behaviour workshop. The workshops are for all parents, not just for those whose children may be on the SEND register. If you wish to see Miss Hurved then, email sen@sfps.bham.sch.uk.
We operate an open door policy and you are welcome to come into school.
We hold regular termly parents evenings so that you can find out how your child is doing in school.
Yes, you can read our SEND Policy if you click here. The policy explains how we identify and assess children who we think might have special educational needs.
If you prefer information on paper, please ask for a copy from Mrs Curtis, our Office Manager, who will be happy to help.
If you would prefer to speak to someone about this, please contact Mrs Curtis or Miss Gomes in the office to arrange an appointment with the SEND team.
Our Governing Body has a governor who is responsible for SEND.
Here at St Francis we work with external agencies to help identify specific needs. These include the following:
If your child requires support from these services, school will always consult you and request written permission.
The SENCO, Miss Hurved, will make sure that all necessary school staff are aware of your child’s needs and worries.
If your child has been identified with additional educational needs, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be written with the teacher and shared with you and your child. All staff involved with your child will have access to a copy of these plans. They identify how your child should be helped to succeed and make progress.
Occasionally, your child’s teacher may not be in class and this extra information is useful for the covering teacher.
All of these plans will be reviewed on a regular basis.
Your child’s teacher will speak to you about the progress that has been made each term and any concerns that they may have. They will also discuss any interventions that they plan to put in place to support your child.
If your child’s teacher thinks that additional support is required, then the SEND team may become involved at this point.
If your child has more complex needs, then we may review your child’s progress and needs through a termly review.
This approach very much values the views of the child and the parents, as well as the school’s.
Parents who have already been involved in such meetings, say they find them very useful.
If your child has any additional needs and you move your child to another school, the SENCOs at both schools make sure that information is shared.
If your child is at a different Nursery School and is about to start in Reception at St Francis, we liaise with the SENCOs at the Nursery schools to find out as much information as possible about your child’s needs. This will include any targets and paperwork or agencies that might have been involved in supporting your child. The class teacher also arranges for a meeting to collect information from you about your child’s interests, likes and dislikes.
When your child moves from Year 6 to secondary school, Miss Hurved will ensure that all information regarding your child’s needs are passed on to the new SENCO. Extra visits to the secondary school may be arranged and sometimes the new SENCO will come to the final review meeting held at St Francis.