Our latest Ofsted inspection was in November 2022 and we were rated as a school which 'requires improvement'.
Following publication of the report, our newly appointed Head Teacher held a 'Next steps' event with parents which looked at key findings from the report and how we intend to tackle them and improve outcomes for the children of St Francis. Please find a copy of the presentation from this event below.
The new SIAMS Evaluation Schedule came into operation in September 2018.
All Church of England dioceses and the Methodist Church use the Church of England Education Office's framework for the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. The SIAMS Evaluation Schedule sets out the expectations for the conduct of the Statutory Inspection of Anglican, Methodist and ecumenical Schools under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005 and provides a process for evaluating the extent to which church schools are 'distinctively and recognisably Christian institutions' (Lord Dearing, The Way Ahead: Church of England Schools in the New Millenium, 2001).
“The commitment of all staff to value and nurture children as uniquely created by God leads to the outstanding spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils.” Quote from our most recent SIAMS report.
Parent View
Parent view gives you the opportunity to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school.