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Late/Absence Procedures

Procedures for Lateness

The school gate opens at 8.40am and the doors open at 8.45am. Children should be in class for registration by 8.50am.  

Any child arriving after 8.55am for any reason other than medical will be marked late. 

At 8.55am the school gate closes. Any child arriving after 8.55am needs to come to the school office to ensure they have their mark.  

Reporting an Absence

Parents/carers must telephone school before 10am to report an absence.

Wellbeing Check

The office will make a phone call to the home if there has been no notification by 10am.

Leaving School During the School Day

Appointment cards/letters must be shown to office staff in order for absence for medical appointments to be authorised.  For all other absences, please complete the A1 Absence Request Form and return to school office in advance of any absence. Parents/carers must let the school know as far in advance as possible of any times that children need to be collected at times other than the official school time. Parents must sign out children who have to leave during the school day. School administrative staff will witness this.